Enhanced Health Checks

An Enhanced Health Check (EHC) is very similar to a standard NHS Health Check in that it aims to help improve an individual’s health and wellbeing.

Everyone is at risk of developing some conditions and finding out about things that could be impacting on your health or health conditions that you did not know you had can be scary. However, the good news is these things can often be changed or prevented if they are found early enough. The purpose of the NHS Enhanced Health Check is to find things early so that we can make the right offer of support to you to help prevent things developing further.

The standard NHS Health Check can help you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, and other conditions that we become more at risk of developing with age.

Across Lancashire and South Cumbria though there are some residents who qualify for a NHS Health Check (those aged 40-74 with no known conditions), and who we believe would benefit from further screening and support, which is why they are being offered an EHC. This looks at all of the above as well as further screening, vaccinations, and your mental and physical wellbeing.

Patient FAQ’s

We recognise that things in your day to day life can affect your health so an Enhanced Health Check gives us the opportunity to have a chat to understand if that is the case with you and if we can do anything to help.

We will ask you some questions about your current circumstances and lifestyle. We will also measure your height and check your weight, take your blood pressure and do a blood test. It shouldn’t take longer than an hour although it may have to be completed in 2 parts on different days.
The EHC will consist of some questions about your mental and physical wellbeing, your lifestyle and other key factors that can affect your health such as food availability and your current housing security. It will also take some screening measurements such as your height and weight, as well as further tests such as blood pressure and a blood test. You may also be offered vaccinations where needed. Much like the standard NHS Health Check, you will then receive personalised advice and signposting or referral into appropriate services.

It is anticipated that an EHC will last no longer than one hour, however in some cases it might mean you have to have more than one appointment.
Across Lancashire and South Cumbria there are some residents who qualify for the standard NHS Health Check (those aged 40 – 74 with no known health conditions), and who we believe would benefit from further support, which is why they are being offered an Enhanced Health Check. 

To begin with we’re focusing on people aged between 40 – 74 with mental health issues or those who live in an area where a lot of people are socially vulnerable (for example those who live in poverty, have lack of access to transportation, or live in crowded housing). 

GP practices may choose to invite others though who they also think would benefit.
Groups of GP practices who work together in their areas – known as Primary Care Networks or PCNs – have been given extra money to help them to increase their staffing numbers to do this.

At Newton Drive, one of our Healthcare Assistants, Clare, will be carrying out the Enhanced Health Check.
If you think you have a need for an overall health check, please contact your GP surgery.

If you have a specific health or wellbeing concern that you wish to speak to a healthcare professional about, you should contact your GP practice in the usual way to arrange to speak with an appropriate person or team.

Alternatively, you can speak to your local pharmacist or contact NHS111 either by telephone or online at https://111.nhs.uk/ for more advice.
If you still meet the eligibility for an Enhanced Health Check, this is likely to be every five years.