Frailty is defined by the British Geriatric Society (BGS) as: “Frailty is a distinctive health state related to the ageing process in which multiple body systems gradually lose their in-built reserves”.
The Surgery is inviting patients to attend for a review to determine any help they may need.
- Attending for this review does not mean we think you are frail, it means we want to ensure you are getting the correct help and support for any problems you have or may have in the future.
GP Delivery Improvement Framework: Frailty
It is estimated that around 10 per cent of people aged over 65 years have frailty, rising to between a quarter and a half of those aged over 85.
There are approximately 140,000 people living in Lancashire and South Cumbria who have mild to moderate frailty with health and wellbeing concerns that are amenable to low grade but timely interventions.
Many of the needs identified are psychological and/or social and are reversable with information, education or referral to onward care and support services. These include the voluntary sector and/or Council commissioned services, such as reablement or leisure activities or community services such as physiotherapy. A proactive referral at this stage will result in fewer referrals at a later stage when problems have escalated.