The NHS England has introduced a new service for people who are more at risk of an unplanned hospital admissions and who would be likely to benefit from more tailored, active support from their GP surgery.
We believe personal care planning could help improve the health and wellbeing of patients receiving this service, as well as to help reduce the risk of unplanned hospital admissions.
With your agreement, your personal care plan will include information like:
- Your NHS number
- Details of your named GP and care co-ordinator
- Details of any other health and care professional who are involved in your care
- Confirmation that you have agreed to sharing your care plan with relevant health or care professionals
- Details of the your condition(s) and significant past medical history
- Details of any medication(s) that you are taking and plans for reviewing them
- Any allergies
- The action that you are taking to manage your health
- How you can detect any early signs that your health may be worsening and what you should do if this happens
- Who to contact if you think that you need to see a doctor or nurse urgently.
Your care planning discussion will help us (you, [your carer], your named GP and named care coordinator) to think about your health and care needs.
Your named GP and named care coordinator will work with you to review your health needs as often as necessary and at least every three months. They will ensure that you receive support from us and others to help your manage your health. We may also be able to help you find local community resources that you may find helpful.
We will also make sure that, whenever you have an urgent need to see or speak to a GP or nurse, as soon as possible on the same day one of our GPs or nurses will phone you back to help deal with your problem.
- If you have any questions, or would prefer not to receive this service, please contact reception.