On this page we have compiled helpful resources to give you as much information about Cervical Screening, Women’s (Gynaecological) Cancer and Breast Cancer as we can.
Some images on this page are links to external websites with more information and some are resources that you can download or save to your phone. If you think there is something missing on this page please let us know.
Cervical Screening (Smear Test)
Our Practice Team are here to help and support you. We have noticed that there has been a dip in the number of eligible patients attending for their Cervical Screening. We have 2 Practice Nurses who are able to carry these out and there are clinics at the surgery every week. We also offer evening and weekend appointments at Enhanced Access.
Many patients are nervous about attending for a Smear Test, for a variety of reasons. There are many things we can do to help you feel comfortable whilst here, such as:
- No one will know why you are here, we will not advertise or share your appointment information with anyone.
- Anything you share with us in your appointment is confidential. Please share your worries with us, we might be able to help.
- Our nurses can answer any questions you have – nothing is off topic.
- We will lock the consulting room door, no-one can just walk in on you.
- You can look at and touch all of the items needed to carry out a Smear Test.
- You can listen to music, sing, read a book, recite poetry or just lie quietly – its up to you!
- We can talk you through every step or we can just get on with it.
- We can take as much time as you need.
- You can bring someone with you for support. There are privacy screens in all rooms.
- There’s no need to cancel your appointment if you have small children or babies that you would need to bring with you – we have a great team of Admin and Reception Staff who love children and who also have plenty of biscuits and access to YouTube!
To book and appointment for your Cervical Screening you can call our Reception Team, or if you would prefer, you can submit an appointment request online.
If you have any other questions or think we are missing something, please do get in touch!

Women’s Cancers (gynaecological cancer)
Cancers that start in the female reproductive system are called gynaecological cancers. These cancer types can affect women, some transgender men and non-binary people assigned female at birth. The treatment you need depends on where the cancer started. Knowing the type of cancer means you can get the correct information about it.
Click the image below to be redirected to the Cancer Research website that provides in depth information about the different types of gynaecological cancers.
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer can affect any one of us, irrelevant of age, status, race or gender. Breast cancer occurs mainly in women, however, it is a health risk for men too. Many people do not realise that men have breast tissue and that they too can develop breast cancer. Just like women, it’s important for men to also check regularly for a mass in their chests. As with all cancers, early detection is key.