Clinics & Services

Newton Drive Surgery Consulting Hours

Monday08:30 – 11:0014:30- 17:00
Tuesday08:30 – 11:0014:30- 17:00
Wednesday08:30 – 11:0014:30- 17:00
Thursday08:30 – 11:0014:30 -17:00
Friday08:30 – 11:0014:30- 17:00


Family Planning – Nurse Practitioner


We offer a comprehensive service including the fitting of Implanon devices and coils. Please make an appointment at Reception.


Antenatal Care


Antenatal Clinics are run by the Midwife and Doctor. An appointment system is in operation. The Doctor, Midwife and Health Visitor will see you regularly throughout your pregnancy.

The midwives provide care of mother and child throughout pregnancy and postnatally. To contact them phone 303618, day or night.

If you are pregnant and have not yet been referred to the midwife team, you can refer yourself here.


Cervical Smears – Practice Nurse


We recommend routine smears every three years from the age of 25 up to the age of 50 and then every five years up to the age of 65. Sometimes they are needed more frequently. You will be advised when your next smear is due.

Cervical smears are taken in privacy, with every confidentiality by our well trained Practice Nurses. Results will be posted to you. If you would like the result sent to a different address please check with the Nurse.


Asthma Clinic – Practice Nurse


Special clinics for asthmatics are run by the Nurse and Doctor to further educate sufferers with an asthmatic condition.


COPD Clinic – Nurse Practitioner


To diagnose and monitor this disease.


Diabetic Clinic – Practice Nurse


A clinic to monitor and manage diabetic Patients.


Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Clinic – Practice nurse


Your blood pressure is monitored by the Practice Nurse and referral to Doctors made when necessary. This clinic also covers hyperlipidaemia (raised blood fat levels).


Dental Care


You are advised to visit a Dentist regularly at least once a year.

Genix Healthcare have a space in our building, but operate their own practice list and appointments – for more info please visit Blackpool – Genix Healthcare.


The following Patients may be exempt from payment:

    • Pregnant mothers up until the baby is one year old,
    • Children and young adults up to 18 years of age or up to 19 if in full-time education,
    • Patients receiving income support or family credit,
    • University students can apply for an exemption certificate every six months.


Optician – Sight testing


You are advised to have your vision checked every 12 to 18 months.
Children and Patients with either diabetes or glaucoma should be tested every six months.

To find an Optician in your local area please visit: Find an Optician – NHS


The following Patients may be exempt from payment:

    • Those with diabetes or glaucoma and anyone over the age of 40 who is related to a Patient with glaucoma,
    • Patients wearing complex lenses,
    • Partially sighted or registered blind,
    • Children and young adults up to the age of 16 years of age or if in full-time education (students over 19 can apply for an exemption certificate),
    • Those receiving income support or family credit.

Medical Examinations


Insurance – driving – adoption – elderly driver – HGV – taxi driver
The Doctors will carry out such medicals as are necessary. These are not covered by the NHS. The British Medical Association scale of fees applies and you are asked to pay the Receptionist at the time of appointment.


Health Visitors


They are fully Trained Nurses with Midwifery experience, who help mothers with young children but are willing to help patients of all ages with a wide variety of problems.

There are two Health Visiting teams that cover Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre:

    • For people living in Blackpool, please contact 01253 957434
    • For people living in Fylde or Wyre, please contact 0300 247 0040

Community Psychiatric Nurse (Stress Counsellor)


Please see your Doctor to discuss and arrange a referral.




The Doctor, Practice Nurse or Health Visitor will refer you to the Dietician.


First Contact Physio


First contact Physios deal with new onset musculoskeletal (msk) injures – Speak to reception to book


Mental Health Worker


Mental Health Workers deal with new onset mental health problems – Speak to reception for more information and to book and appointment